Postcards to the Future

Passing down and diallng up with Sydney Festival Director Wesley Enoch

Claire Doherty, David Micklem and guests Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode, Claire Doherty talks with Wesley Enoch, Artistic Director of the Sydney Festival. A proud Noonuccal Nuugi man, Wesley Enoch has been responsible for some of Australia’s best-known indigenous theatre productions. He was appointed as the Artistic Director of Sydney Festival in 2016 following his direction of the Queensland Theatre Company. His writing and direction is committed to First Nation storytelling. 

They explore how might use the opportunity of crisis to refashion and remake where and how art is made and for whom.


Edited by Marcin Pawlik

Produced by Claire Doherty and David Micklem

Postcards to the Future is a People Make It Work project for Culture Reset. Funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation. 

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